Monday, December 14, 2009

Music Lovers, lets share

Sunday December 13th, the third week of advent was celebrated with an advent concert in the 800 year old Carlow church. The billing was the Carlow Choir (including Oma) and a brass quintet.

The youngest member of the standing room only audience was our 19 month old Stella.

For readers of the blog, you know she can’t sit still for more than a half a second. Yet for an hour and a half, she watched with wide open eyes as the choir and quintet created their magic. Sometimes we stood in the center isle so she could see better, other times she sat on Opa’s lap. She picked out Oma in the crowd on the risers and pointed to her.

And when “Go tell it on the mountain” rang through the hall, Stella tried to clap with the rest of the audience.

When she did eventually get antsy, she turned around a played with her shadow. Shaking her head so that the shadow showed the two bobbles from her hat flying around, she would smile and point then shake her head again. A couple of minutes later she would turn around to enjoy the music again.

We are extremely proud of her for holding out so long and yet I’m not surprised. She seems to like music; dancing when she hears something she likes, testing her voice in what sound like weird scales, banging on the piano. And now holding her attention for an extended period of time. There could be a future.

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