On the last day of our “beach“ vacation we Finally got Stella in the water.
Well sort of.
Daddy was determined to go swimming at least once; even if the girls had to sit and watch.
We went to have a look at the “big water” as Stella calls it.
I asked her one last time if she wanted to put her feet in and to my surprise she said yes.
So I scooped her in my arm and carried her a little way in. It was shallow so with Stella’s encouragement I waded pretty far out.
Then I dipped her feet in and she laughed with joy.
We let the waves crash into us.
She started splashing with her feet.
But when I dipped us in so that she was in the water to her waist, she wasn’t to crazy about that.
After a few minutes we ventured back into shore and she waded in the water a bit.
Not really swimming but getting there. I think if we had had another couple of days she would have been in.
We returned home and visited Oma and Opa, who to battle the heat wave we have, promptly filled up a small pool for her.
We haven’t been able to get her out.
did you thank the seagull for the perfect timing?