You know, I know where the story of Jekyll & Hyde came from. It came from a parent of a two year old.
This morning, not even 24 hours into our vacation, I was ready to throw in the towel.
The child just would not listen. Blatantly ignoring us, acting desctructive, screaming and carrying on. All on her terms. “no I won’t eat that, oh you just put that away, yes I want it after all.” Ha ha just kidding, and to prove I am messing with your head, I’m going to throw it on the floor.”
Afraid of sand. Yes my friends we’re at the beach and the child will not touch sand or water. Both of us have determined that she is not our child, which only confirms a previous post that the aliens have taken our daughter.
But then you get those moments;

Moments where full sentences come together or she properly asks a question which includes please or bitte.

Or the pure joy at watching the seagulls.

Wanting daddy to take her down the big scary but enticing slide.
Saying she needs to make a wurst (doing #2) and looking you straight in the eye while consciously pushing and making the funniest face you’ve ever seen.
And even telling us she needs to go potty. We’re so proud. Potty training is continuing even while on vacation and today she was without diaper the whole day. Of course at the restaurant she had to go to the bathroom several times and now she only wants to sit on the big potty. A few times we had to even squat on the grass.

We did have a set back last night, she needed to go but only wanted to go on the sidewalk and not on the grass. That we wouldn’t allow. Guess she has been hanging around with the dogs too much

Dancing with excitement while watching the jazz band, or cuddling in your arm during the slow songs.

It is like golf. Somehow, something keeps you going.
We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
Jeremy, that baby gets more beautiful every day.
ReplyDeleteWurst, indeed! I'll never look at a Polock Johnny's sausage the old way again.