I’ve been saying I am going to do it for weeks.
Tonight I’m going to bite the bullet.
I know I’m a horrible father.
Poor kid just wants to sleep.
She won’t even know.
She is just too damn cute.
Hold on a second, I gotta go get the camera.
It won’t disturb her slumber.
Quiet now, turn off the camera beeps.
Bang! Careful with the tripod.
I can’t see a darn thing.
Aperture wide, exposure long
Wow, I never realized that auto focus light is so bright
Pump the ISO up.
Wish I could manual focus but I still can’t see a thing.
Raise the window a bit
A bit more
Got it!
Exit, just as she rolls over.

This morning Stella found the tripod.
After examining it she told me to put the camera on and take some pictures.
Man she’s hard core, a photo session even before a cup of coffee.

great pictures. looks lik you guys are having lots of fun.