We did it.
For a kid that doesn’t sleep in the car,
We tuckered her out so much that she crashed before we left the parking lot.

Yesterday we went to the Vogel Park Marlow.
A place I can highly recommend if you are in the area.

A bird zoo/garden/giant playground.
They did a really nice job integrating the landscaping with exhibits and having playgrounds interspersed.

At first Stella just wanted to stay and look at the storks, but then she figured out that there were different exhibits and she was excited to continue on.

Of course a big hit were all the play areas. Especially the large trampoline mountain…

…and the basket swing. At first she kept saying “harder, harder” but then after a while in this basket thing she leaned back and eyes glazed over.
She looked like she was nauseous. Then she was ready to get out.

And while she liked watching the animals, she wasn’t too crazy about them coming to her. There was a lady in the Lori section with three birds on her hand. As Stella held our her hand to touch one, it pecked at her which startled her. From that point on, if we went to look at a bird, Stella made sure it was okay by asking “volgel nicht owa” (bird won’t hurt?). And she wasn’t too crazy about the kid (baby goat) wanting to get in her stroller with her.

I want to jump on the trampoline mountain!! Looks like a fabulous place!