I was astonished and appalled this evening when I opened the www.parenting.com website.
Before the page fully loads the following question is visible…"kids or spouse, who do you love more?"
I'm sure this is supposed to be one of those cutsie little quizzes like should I go blond or redhead. But somehow in our disposable society, in a time when people preach about low morals, during a financial crisis where relationship are strained as it is, this really seems to be the wrong message to be sending to the public.
Does it have to be one or another? Have our attention spans been strained to a point that we don't have the capacity to love more than one person at a time? Are we so insecure that we have to rank even our family members? Talk about feeding the fire for divorce. "see honey, you like Timmy more than me anyway, sign here, you get the house"
I love my wife!
I love my daughter!
Together we make a family!
They both mean and are the world to me. Why do I have to choose? I don't want to. I don't see any value in doing so.
I wrote parenting and told them these exact thoughts. If you feel the same way, even if you aren't a parent follow this link and tell them too that this is not the way to promote family, peace and love.
Yours truly, Jeremy – a loving father to all
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The great Pumpkin and the Wandering Teddybear
Fall is in the air. A short break from the stories to post some pictures we’ve taken over the past few weeks.
Click here to see the pictures.
In the album you will find pictures in of Stella by the Great Pumpkin
A visit from the Twins Sidney and Spencer
And the wandering Teddybear
Click here to see the pictures.
In the album you will find pictures in of Stella by the Great Pumpkin

A visit from the Twins Sidney and Spencer

And the wandering Teddybear

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Durchgedreht" This single German word sums up Stella the last few days. English? The translation doesn't quite get it right… Wound up, to spin, nuts, to blow a gasket, skid, slip. What ever it is, it is as if Stella has had a bee in her pants Since Sunday evening. Maybe she was watching the fevered action of the twins Sidney and Spencer at work and was taking notes, who knows. Now I know that Susanne and Daniel will not believe us. "What? The quiet and reserved Stella gone wild?" they'll say. Well yeah, she's a bit reserved around people she's not that comfortable with. But once she is, hold on to your hat, it's going to be a wild ride. Sunday night I was out of breath by the time I got her in bed. Running between rooms, flipping around, running away from you…oh look, there's something cool bam she's off like lightning.
Regardless of how wound up she is though, she'll eventually calm down as she sits in your lap, drinks her bedtime milk and looks at a book or two with you. After the stories we turn out the light and cuddle for a minute. Then I'll ask if she's ready to lay down in which she will shake her head yes and I'll put her down. What an awesome routine! Tonight, daddy got lots of kisses, without asking. As we were cuddling she looked up at me and gave me a kiss, then another. Then she turned around, wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me another. I wouldn't trade these moments for the world.
Stella has no fear. I think I have mentioned this before but I think she has adopted this motto as her middle name. Instead of crawling on the bed, now she stands up and runs around, not worrying where she's going or that there is a two foot drop on the end, succeeding just about every night to give her parents a heart attack. Just stepping off the couch or what ever she is standing on, whether you are ready or not.
She loves for you to hold her in your arms and spin spin spin around. Until you can't stand straight anymore and then she asks for more. She does this by shaking her head yes. A simple nod and a mischievous smile, innocent eyes asking for just "one more time". Spinning, dropping backwards and hanging upside down and running from the tickle monster. Now maybe I don't know enough about child psychology but just like children have this fear of clowns, I would expect Stella to be afraid of the tickle monster.
Let me describe him so you have a better picture of what we are dealing with here. A large being, three times your size. He walks with heavy steps shaking the floor. Arms are open wide as if hugging an ancient red wood tree. Strides like an elephant swinging from side to side. Eyes searching high and low for the little Stella. And the voice? Booming, horse, raspy crying out "WHERE IS STELLA, HERE COMES THE TICKLE MONSTER"
Now I think I would be afraid of this creature but Stella? It's her new favorite game. She'll hide behind the door or jump into mom's arms and laughs uncontrollably when she's caught. When the tickle monster stops, she quickly shakes her head "yes" to do it again…repeatedly. And if she has had enough? She just tells you "nein" and the game is off. You're usually ready to stop though before she is.
Another game she has is peak-a-boo. Stella will hide behind something and then peak her head out. Traditionally this game happens at the dinner table. When she's had enough we'll let Stella down from her chair. She'll run behind the kitchen door. She especially likes when we pretend we don't know where she has gone and ask each other if we have seen where she went. Then Stella will slowly peak her head out around from the corner, giggle and run to one of us. Then she'll turn around and repeat.
I think I have illustrated the point that Stella doesn't need any help walking anymore. She has even made it down our steep slope in the back yard by herself. She's still not as sure-footed as say a two year old. Still walking with the hard steps that make your joints cringe but with fearless abandon she strives forward. Now if she wants your hand, it means she wants to take you somewhere to show you something.
By the way, if you don't spin Stella around enough, she'll do it herself. And if the music is on, she'll turn it into a dance. Which she'll do anyway if music is on. Bouncing up and down, shaking it all about.
She is also consciously waiving bye-bye, blowing kisses and even shaking your hand goodbye as she is in this picture. Stella is saying goodbye to her friend Hannah.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Do the monkey

What does a monkey say? It pulls its shoulders up, arms sticking out, eyes rolling, dancing around and makes an oooh oooh sound. Well that’s Stellas impression of a monkey\goriilla when you show her the picture.
Stella has a new way to show that she is concentrating really hard. She sticks her tongue out the side of her mouth. This she showed us the other day as she was climbing up the rungs to the slide. These are not steps; these are straight round rungs that you could slip on easily. With hard edged determination she decided that she was going to climb up to the slide herself. Using the side rail for balance she managed this a bit shakily the first time and each successive time she became more steady with her climbing skills. Mom’s hands hovering around her waste should she slip but this was rarely needed. And with each step, eyes of steel on her goal, tongue stretched out.
- stella watching a kite in the air
The other day, Maja arrived at the day care and Stella was standing at the door ready to go. Maja had to pack a couple of things so Stella decided to head back into the kitchen. When Maja was ready a moment later, Stella was too busy flirting with Janek to want to leave. Maja said “Bye, bye Stella, I’m going home”. At that Lorenz ran out and grabbed Maja’s hand. “You can go yet, you have to wait for Stella” he said. Alas, a moment later, Stella came trotting out of the kitchen and they headed home.
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