A friend of ours gave us a grab bag of Marzipan the other day. The bag with a mixture of different types of marzipan, some not wrapped, sat on the coffee table. Maja left Stella in the living room for a minute to do something in the kitchen. Hmm…she thought it's awfully quiet in the living room. When she returned, Maja found Stella, elbow deep in the Marzipan bag, chocolate all over her hands and face. She pulled out a small bar and offered it to Maja to share in the joy.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monkeys eat bananas
Have you ever wondered what a monkey sounds like? Just ask Stella, she does a great chimpanzee impression. That is, if you can catch her standing still long enough. Our new game is to walk/lunge between mommy and daddy. Or simply making dust as she speeds off in the other direction. She will stop and say bye though.
Who would have thought that learning to eat was such a difficult task. She’s getting the hang of it though.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Four signs...
1. Brown Corduroy Overalls
2. Orange Shirt
3. Orange hoodie Sweatshirt
4. Baseball cap curls flying out from the sides
Ready to cruse the neighborhood, Cracker in one hand, dog on the side, daddy pushing the stroller
Daddy also got out his matchbox cars. Stella likes the big four-wheelers and the fire truck. There’s hope yet.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Nein, nein, nein
We've added a new word to our vocabulary. Maybe it's because we don't say it often but when we do we mean business or that Stella has now associated that certain things such as the electrical outlet or AV video outlet are called "nein" (no). For example, we let Stella push all the buttons on the media devices. The only thing she is not allowed to touch is the video cable coming out of the front of the TV. Now-a-days as she approaches the forbidden cable she'll point to the cable and then say "nein, nein, nein" shaking her head, staring directly at Maja and then pull her hand away.
Eyes hair and nose
Stella is now able to recognize different "things". If you can ask her where her nose is and she'll point to it. Then you can ask her where mommy's or daddy's nose is and she'll either point or grab it. She especially likes it when she squeezes daddy's nose and it "honks".
She also knows where her hair is, mouth and knee. Yeah, don't ask, she has a fascination with knees. Stella will also play games with you. There is a song where you cover your eyes, she will try right along with you. Also a song where you slap your hands and she does that too.
With most of the words too she has an understanding of the German and English words.
Hugs and Kisses
Stella has become much more affectionate of late. She loves to cuddle. Not only when you wake her up and when she's tired but also while playing. While playing or rolling around, she'll lay down on her belly cuddling with her blanket, bunny or you and look. She'll also crawl up into your lap and give you a big hug…and kiss
Planes, trains and…cats
I mentioned before that Stella gets excited when she hears the planes approaching for a landing. Now if we're inside and she here's it, she still gets excited; pointing upwards, uttering "ohh" and then try and look outside to see it. The other day, we were sitting on the couch and she leaned over my knee almost falling off to crane her neck out the window to see it. Stella also recognizes the chimes that mark the coming of a train and she gets excited. Lastly Stella likes cats. When ever we see one she giggles and points.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Return of the Unicorn
We had a traumatic event this weekend, although I'm not sure if it was more traumatic for mom or for child. Over the weekend we were visiting Oma and Opa. Stella was playing in the sandbox having a good ol' time with Uncle Christoph and Daddy. Stella somehow lost her balance, toppling over the edge of the sandbox and doing a face-plant on the patio. The tremor of her head hitting the pavement reverbrating under our feet with a dull thud.
It was one of those moments where everything happened in super slow motion and yet was so quick that neither of us could react in time to stop the event from happening.
We picked up Stella and without a moment's notice "Supermom" swooped in and whisked Stella away, leaving daddy standing there dazed as to what just happened. In discussing the situation afterwards, Maja explained that with full adrenaline flowing, her only thought was that if she got Stella out of the "scene" it would help calm her down. So she ran by, grabbed Stella and went into the house.
Needless to say, Stella calmed down after a few minutes and showed no signs of internal injury. She does however have a huge bump on her forehead but it doesn't seem to bother her. As I assured Maja, this isn't the first nor the last bump, bruise or scrape that Stella has or will get.
And the adventures continue….
Monday, July 13, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Mafioso Clown
Picture this, Sicily 18….naw better yet, fast forward a couple hundred years. Daddy comes home to a happy Stella running around and through a makeshift tent of table cloth over dining room chairs. Chocolate icecream has strategically dried on her nose and cheeks so that when she looks up at you with sun hat half draped over her starry eyes and Four toothed grin, she really looks like a clown.
Fast forward a few minutes, we're in the kitchen, dinner. Stella sitting on her favourite spot on the counter, eyes some cherry tomatoes and grabs one. Nothing out of the ordinary, she loves tomatoes.
As we're preparing dinner I here a flop on the floor. I look over to see Stella's pants full of tomato seeds and right below her a carcass of what used to be a tomatoe sprawled out on the floor.
She giggles, grabs another tomato with both hands, looks me in the eye with a devilish grin of joy that only a true mercenary could appreciate and then proceeds to squeeze as hard as she can, shooting tomato guts all over the kitchen.
Stunned at the sight I can only laugh, which only encourages her as she grabs another tomato and goes through the same process.
All in all about 8 tomatoes lost their lives in this escapade!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy Fourth from Expatriates in Germany
The wind kicked up a bit to relieve us from the heat.
here's a link to more pictures.
Spencer was kind of grumpy with teeth troubles but everyone had fun.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Attack off the Wererabbit

Stella will be walking on her own soon. She really doesn’t need your support but she thinks she does. Sometimes when she doesn’t think about it she’ll take a few steps on her own. If you try and get her to come to you, she’ll lunge at you. But she’s standing more and more on her own.
Stella has some new friends on the Block. Two girls roughly Stella’s age live down the street; Hannah and Tolstoja. They love playing with each other and when every one walks by the other’s house, they have to run out and say hi.